Comfortable and Effective Custom Earplugs and Earmolds in Brooklyn, NYC

Have you ever heard the old adage about putting a square peg into a round hole? If you’ve ever used generic over-the-counter earplugs, earbuds, or earmolds, then you have a feeling for what that’s like.

To put things simply, generic earmolds and earplugs don’t fit right because everyone’s ears are a little bit different. Common complaints related to over-the-counter earplugs include:

An earplug on a table
  • They always feel like they’re going to fall out
  • The longer I wear them, the more uncomfortable they are
  • They irritate my ears and make them ache
  • I don’t feel like I’m getting a solid acoustical or watertight seal

Custom earmolds and earplugs are the best option for addressing these problems.

“Where can I get custom earmolds or earplugs near me?”

You’re in luck! ZN Audiology in Brooklyn, NYC, provides custom earmolds, earplugs, and earbuds that fit your ears as well as your unique needs and circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions About Custom Earmolds

What are custom earmolds and earplugs?

Some hearing aid wearers opt for custom earmolds for a variety of reasons, like improved comfort, a better seal, a more secure fit, and others. Custom earmolds and earplugs are also the best choice for hearing protection.

What are the benefits of using custom earmolds and earplugs?

Custom earmolds and earplugs are your best solution for protecting your ears from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) but can also be used for hearing aids, swimming plugs, musicians’ monitors, personal communication, and earbuds. They offer a variety of benefits, such as:

  • A more secure fit
  • Better acoustic/watertight seal
  • Better frequency response to a full range of sounds
  • Preventing reverberation inside your ears with venting
  • Precision-engineered filters for measurable protection and more natural sound
  • Using the same earplugs for different activities with replaceable filters
  • Greater comfort for all day wearing
  • Medical-grade silicone construction to help eliminate skin irritation
  • Unique fit to each ear

Are custom earmolds and earplugs comfortable to wear?

Because they are shaped to the unique contours of the ear, custom earmolds and earplugs provide a more natural, secure, and comfortable fit even when you wear them for hours.

Are custom earmolds and earplugs suitable for children?

Yes. Full shell earmolds are the most common style used for kids, and they provide the clearest, most consistent sound quality and protection.

How are custom earmolds and earplugs made?

Traditional custom molded earplugs begin with an impression or mold taken from the outer ear canal. The process typically involves inserting a dam in the ear canal and then filling it with the impression material. Once the impression material sets, it is carefully removed, inspected, packaged, and shipped away for fabrication.

Recent technological innovations have made it possible to develop an impression of your ear by using laser scanners and rendering 3D software. The technique makes it possible to have multiple earmolds constructed from the initial impression, saving time and costs.

Can custom earmolds and earplugs be used for swimming?

Yes. Custom earplugs create a more watertight seal, providing better protection against swimmer’s ear and surfer’s ear.

Can custom earmolds and earplugs be reused?

Yes. One of the great features of custom earmolds and earplugs is the fact that they can be used over and over again. In fact, some earplugs used for hearing protection have replaceable filters so that you can use the same pair of earplugs for a variety of activities.

How do I clean and maintain my custom earmolds and earplugs?

If there is a buildup of wax, squeeze the tip of the canal between the thumb and index finger, and then wipe the wax away by using a clean, soft cloth. Avoid alcohol or harsh chemicals to clean your earplugs; just use mild soapy water and a paper towel or a face wipe to wipe away debris and wax.

Custom Earmolds and Earplugs Available from ZN Audiology

Custom Earmolds for Hearing Aids

Custom Earmolds for Hearing Aids

The earmold is shaped to an individual’s ear to improve the volume and clarity produced by your hearing aids while also limiting feedback (whistling) issues. Custom earmolds are more comfortable for all-day wear and stay in place during daily activity.

Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection

A precise seal in the outer ear canal provides better assurance that excessively loud noise won’t damage your hearing. The secure and comfortable fit for all-day use allows you to continue the regular activities of your life and lifestyle, such as:

  • Shooting and hunting
  • Using construction and industrial equipment
  • Using lawn and garden appliances
  • Using power tools, like chainsaws
  • Motorsports (motorcycles, dune buggies, snowmobiles, etc.)
  • Attending concerts and sporting events

Musicians’ Earmolds

Musicians’ Earmolds

Musicians’ earmolds filter out certain noises while allowing the musician to monitor the music they are performing.

These secure-fitting and comfortable in-ear monitors reduce the volume without muffling or altering the tone and quality of the music while you perform.

Sleeper Molds

Sleeper Molds

Sleeper molds are less bulky than OTC earplugs. They are made of a softer, medical-grade silicone material and are custom molded to fit the precise contours of each of your ears for a better sound seal, secure fit, and all-night comfort while you sleep.

Swim/Surf Molds

Swim/Surf Molds

The tighter, more secure seal of custom swim and surf molds provides better protection against “swimmer’s ear” or “surfer’s ear” caused by water in the ears during water-related sports and activities.

Communication Molds and Personal Earbuds

Communication Molds and Personal Earbuds

Communication devices and personal earbuds are often worn for an extended period of time and require a level of sound quality that makes sure you don’t miss anything important. Custom molded ear tips provide a more comfortable and secure fit and are a better solution than generic earbuds for those who frequently use personal earbuds with video games, music, or other digital electronics.

Learn More About Custom Earmolds and Earplugs

Whether for your hearing aids, for protection against noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), swimming, or just to get a good night’s sleep, custom earmolds and earplugs provide the best fit and the most comfort. ZN Audiology provides custom earmolds and earplugs that fit the unique contours of each of your ears no matter how you use them.

Schedule an appointment using the button below to see how we can help.

ZN Audiology

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