Your Earwax Removal Experts in Brooklyn, NYC
If voices sound far away or muffled, or your ears are feeling full or stuffy but you don’t have a cold, you could be experiencing symptoms of built-up earwax.
Over time, earwax (cerumen) can build up and block the ear canal, leading to reduced hearing acuity. Although cerumen production is natural, hearing aid users often experience earwax buildup more than others because hearing aid insertion can push the wax deeper into the ear canal and/or block it from coming out on its own.
The safest, most effective solution to built-up or impacted earwax is professional earwax extraction.
“Where can I find professional earwax removal near me?”
ZN Audiology in Brooklyn, NYC, has you covered with the safest, most effective earwax removal by an earwax removal treatment professional. We are certified in wax management and have access to different systems, techniques, and formulas for earwax removal to address your specific earwax issues.

6 Quick Facts About Earwax
Nature’s way of cleaning your ears, earwax (cerumen) is produced by the skin cells in the ear canal.
In addition to cleaning your ear canal, earwax helps provide moisture and lubrication for the ear canal to prevent irritation.
Earwax has antibacterial and antifungal properties to help prevent infections in your ear canal and middle ear.
The stickiness of earwax traps debris and microorganisms and then works its way to the outer ear as you talk and chew, where it falls out on its own.
Most blockages and impacted earwax are caused when you try to clean out earwax on your own with cotton swabs, bobby pins, paperclips, and other objects (just imagining what they might be makes us shudder).
Sticking objects deep into the ear canal in an attempt to remove earwax or scratch an itch increases the risk of damaging your eardrum.

Symptoms of Built-up or Impacted Earwax
Stuffiness in the ears
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
Muffled hearing
Poor performing hearing aids
Dizziness or vertigo
Balance issues
Itchiness or irritation in the ear canal
At-Home Earwax Removal
Impacted earwax can be painful, irritating, and frustrating. Sometimes you can’t get to an earwax removal specialist fast enough to get the relief you need, so most people look for a quick, at-home solution, but you need to be careful when it comes to trying to remove earwax by yourself.
Our Professional Earwax Extraction Service
Not only are we better able to see what we’re doing from our vantage point, but our earwax removal treatment professionals also use proven techniques to both remove earwax and provide ongoing solutions for individuals who experience frequent issues with excessive earwax.
Our four-step earwax removal consultations are similar to our other hearing care appointments, including:
Case History
Physical Inspection
Earwax Removal
Ongoing Care
Schedule an Earwax Removal Appointment
Impacted earwax is a painful, irritating, and frustrating condition that can interrupt your daily life. You can find the relief you need from impacted earwax or get control over excessive earwax production at ZN Audiology.
To take advantage of our safe and effective solutions for earwax removal and earwax management, just contact us for an earwax removal appointment by using the adjacent form.